As an Eventmaster organiser you have full access to all your event data.
Reports are updated in real-time so you always have the most up to date information. Reports include both dashboards/overviews and full reports to download.

  1. Log into your Eventmaster account
  2. If applicable, click on Services>Ticketing to view your events
  3. Click on Welcome > Manage Events.

4. Click on the Reports tab, you can then choose between Live or Archived Events. Once you’ve made your selection click on the Show All button for that category.

5. You will be presented with a list of your events. Click Select for the event reports you would like to see in more detail.

6. The Event Summary gives you a brief overview of your event.
Please scroll down along your screen to see further graphs and breakdowns of your events performance.

7. The left hand side menu offers a range of reporting options based on the information required. The most common area is your booking reports, here you can click on the excel icon in the booking details report to view all your orders and the information included in the order form for each person.

8. The Financial Reports tab will also allow you to download a report of all transactions – this includes NET revenue, additional purchases and cancellation/refunds.

Operation Reports – This dashboard gives you a quick overview on the different type of tickets sold!